If you are looking for highly accurate Technically and Fundamentally strong investment and trading Calls then you in the right place. We provide these recommendations for Intraday, short term and long term.

Stock Advisory Services Risk and Profit

Our Stock Market Advisory Services

Pick a need, let’s help you to fulfil it

Only in Cash

Nifty + Bank Nifty

Build Customized Portfolio

Why Diversify in different Options?

To take benefit of different sections of stock Market Index Options Have High ROI as compared to Stocks In Cash so cannot be missed But lower Portion of capital Must be employed in it due to high Risk

So Trade & Invest Wisely with proper Portfolio

Stock Market Expert Advisor

Stock Market Advisory Services in India

ABJ FINSTOCKS is stock market expert advisor that provides all kind of Advisory Services that are not limited to just stocks or cash but also includes Indices, futures and options. 

We are Stock Market Advisor in India. We make sure that you earn high profits through our different Cash, futures and Options Packages and diversification approach within those packages of Stocks and Indices. Our advisor has a potential to deliver high returns through our stock market advisory services.

What is the role of a Stock Market Advisor?

Owing to the returns given by Stock Market it’s been a great place to earn good money, grow capital and make it as full-time trading business. 

But Stock market is one the riskiest markets too it’s full of risk which Makes the role of Stock Market Advisor Very Essential. They help you can reduce your risks and Make Money in stock Market. What you need to do is to select Stock Market Expert Advisor before entering into Risky Market be it as a trader or Investor.

Our Core values


Registered with SEBI as Research Analyst in 2016 and following all the guidelines Specified.

Honesty and Faith

Our whole work, selecting stocks and dealing with clients, everything is done honestly and in good faith.


All stocks are Recommended after proper analysis and due diligence


To increase our business revenues, we don’t give any commitments regarding returns OR capital protection in any of our packages.

Professional Standard

We observe high professional standard while preparing research report (long term investment Calls).

Why You Shold Join ABJ Finstocks?

WONDERING how to Select Stock Market Expert

Everyone would love to have a Stock Market Advisor that gives excellent advice, but it can be difficult to know where to start. There are thousands of advisors available on google, so how to find the best Stock Market Advisor. Below Criteria would Make your job easy to select the Right Advisor.