Best Stocks to Buy for Short term Investment - ABJ Finstocks Short term stocks Advisor

Do you want to have a profitable, lucrative, and enjoyable (Short term Multibagger Stocks) trading?
Then understand and cultivate the snowball effect for your trading.
The Snowball Strategy is about building profits over time and not rushing for big profits and big risk It’s about starting small and then growing big. It’s a win-win situation.

Swng Stocks Cash Calls: ABJ Finstocks


Years SEBI Registered


Years Experience

About ABJ Finstocks

We are growing fast, with the growth of our clients, as Long term + Short term & Intraday advisor.

ABJ Finstocks is a SEBI registered Research Analyst.

As a SEBI registered Research Analyst, we pride ourselves on our Expertise, Transparency, and Client-centric approach.

Short Term Investment Stocks Package Details

Both Packages are Separate Packages

1. Swing Stock (Short Term Trading) 2. Short Term Multibagger Investment Stocks
Types of Trades Only Positional Buy Trades Only Positional Buy Trades
Type of Stocks Diversified in Small, Mid and Large Cap, all Stocks Diversified in Small, Mid and Large Cap, all Stocks
Time Frame 2- 15 Days Approx. 6-12 Months
Number No Of Calls Minimum 10 Calls in a Month
Avg. 10-15 Calls per Month
6 -8 Calls p.m.
Avg. 1-2 Calls per week
Minimum No OF Calls Per Month 10 6-8
Stop Loss 2-6% 25-40%
Target 2 Targets
2-3 Targets
Nearly 25-50-100%
Reward: Risk Reward: Risk: Avg. 2: 1 Depends on your Risk bearing capacity

Select Package

18% GST would be added to given Rates

Notes: If Not able to deliver Minimum Number of calls in service duration then service will be extended.
SL Points, Reward: Risk: It Variates from trade to trade, depends on VIX, Market Momentum, events, etc.

Past Performance
Free Trial
Possible Returns


But we cannot showcase past performance as not allowed by SEBI.

Free Trial OR Demo is Neither a genuine Practice going on as we are all aware about it, Nor its fruitful as 1-2 days not sufficient to Judge Returns.

So here we have shown few screenshots to Make things clear to you.  We have given these screen Shots to explain all details about our working method.

To Understand Our Working Method We are Sharing Some Screenshots

Swing Trading (10-15Days)

Swing Trading Stocks Calls Working Method: ABJ Finstocks

Points To Note

Swing Trading Stocks Calls Working Method: ABJ Finstocks

Points To Note

Swing Trading/ STMB (8-12 Month)

Short term MB Stocks Calls Working Method: ABJ Finstocks

Points To Note

Short term MB Stocks Calls Working Method: ABJ Finstocks

Points To Note

We have given these screen Shots to explain all details about our working method. It’s not for showcasing Past Performance or Returns

Watch Out The Videos on Short tern Investment Stock Packages

Swing Trading: Lets Understand what should be Capital

Swing Trading with ABJ FInstocks

Short Term Multibagger Stocks | Best Stocks To Buy | ABJ Finstocks

Fact of Free Trial | ABJ Finstocks

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We have good renewal Ratios in both Trading as well as Investments advisory.

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Which One is more profitable,
Short term trading in stocks (Swing Trading Package) OR
Short term investment in stocks (Short term Multibagger Package)?

Actually both are equally profitable.

If you are looking for 60-80% rise in stocks in short term then go for short term Multibagger and if you are looking for 10-15% rise in stocks then go for short term stocks trading Package i.e swing trading. In swing trading Returns are gnerated through churning while in short term multibagger stocks returns are gnerated through patience that is eat big in short term multibagger. Though margin is higher in short term mutlibagger but returns are more or less same in both.

Which Package Needs more Capital,
Short term trading in stocks (Swing Trading Package) OR
Short term investment in stocks (Short term Multibagger Package)?

Actually both needs equal capital. Reason being, If we see first Side: Number of Positions Outstanding: in swing trading max. number of positions outstanding a t time is 3-4 posiitons while in short trmer invesment stocks at that time your all positions that is 8 posoitions would be open. So here it shows more capital needed in short term invesmtent Now, considering 2nd Side: SL %: SL% is lower in swing while higher in short term invesmtent stocks. Swing has generally 6-8% SL which in short term multibagger we have 15-25% SL per position. As we know higher the % SL, lower amount of capital needed to maintain same risk. So lower capital needed in short term multibagger as per this calculations So, finally when we consider both things together i.e. maximum number of positions open at a time and SL% per position then same amount of capital needed in both package. We here at ABJ Finstocks not only provides you with calls but also take care of your money mangement.

Which one should I select
Short term trading in stocks (Swing Trading Package) OR
Short term investment in stocks (Short term Multibagger Package)?

To Make Money in swing trading you need to trade more To make more money through short term investment package i.e. short term multibagger Package you need to have more patience to wait in ongoing trade.

Can I Select Both Packages,
Short term trading in stocks (Swing Trading Package) OR
Short term investment in stocks (Short term Multibagger Package)?

Yes you must go for both the packages together

1st short term trading in stocks that is swing trading and

2nd: short term investment in stocks that is short term multibagger stocks. If you have good Capital, as diversification in time and stocks will increase your returns and will reduce your risk. Investment in both is time diversification as you will be allocating your funds for 10-15 days through swing trading &also for 8-12 months though short trerm multibagger stocks Package. So when market may be consolidating in a month you may make good returns in short term mutibagger stocks and if market will be consolidating for even a longer term then swing trading will be making good returns for you. And will be making great reutns if ther is momentum over both time frames.


Capital Depends on your quantity and we don’t tell qty. to trade. As Quantity depends on your Risk bearing capacity.
IF looking for more churning and smaller targets then go for Swing Trading. If looking to build portfolio with few trades then short term Multibagger is good. If looking to diversify in both to benefit of both then you can start with both dividing you capital proportion.
No we don’t, you can work in your own trading account, no need to open any accounts to trade with us.
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We don’t Provide Free Trial
Yes, through What’s app during market Hours. After Market you may Call.