In our all-long term investment recommendations Our Focus is Multibagger Returns

investment and returns profit image

Multibagger Returns, comes from combination of two things

= Best Stocks + Good Diversified Portfolio of Such Stocks

Package Details


Basic Details
Package Name Multibagger Stocks
Time Frame Long Term Investment (Min. 3-5 Years)
Type OF stocks Small Cap Stocks (1,000-5,000 Cr. Mkt. Cap)
Calls Frequency Monthly (All Calls are not given together)
No of Calls Per Month : Min. 1 Call - Max. 3 Calls
Yearly: Min. 12 Call - Max. 36 Calls
Minimum No OF calls Note: You Can select 1,2 OR 3 calls p.m. but min. Package would be of 12 Stocks, you can take in
4 Months, 6 Months or 1 Year
Our Focus in this Package Wealth Building Star Stocks
Once Subscribed
What You get
Recommendations on Monthly Basis
Research Report with Each Recommendations
Free Checkup of Existing Portfolio
Stock Specific
Targets 1st Target- 100% Price Rise
Their we will withdraw Capital Part
2nd target: Perpetual Investment
(You can withdraw anytime you Wish)
Stop Loss NIL
Portfolio Specific
Min. Capital Required Rs. 5000/- Per Stock
so Min Rs.60,000 (12 Stocks*5000)
Max. Capital Required No Limit
Risk Volatility
Expected Returns 25% CAGR (No Guarantees or Commitments)
Basic Pricing
Basic Pricing for 1 Year 12 Calls- Rs.12,000
24 Calls- Rs.22,800
36 Calls- Rs.33,300
18% GST Would be added to given Rates

How Multibagger Return Comes from Penny Stocks?

From combination of two things

Our Multibagger penny Stocks turn to be star Stocks + Good Diversification

Light Weight Small Stocks + Good Fundamentals

Multibagger Penny Stocks has the potential to build fastest wealth in bullish market. As these are very light stocks due to micro- Small Cap Companies. So, rises very fast. So, Such Stocks give rise of 200-300% very easily.

These are Highest returns delivering Stocks in Bullish Market. These are Not heavy Stocks unlike blue chip stocks but still has good fundamentals because of which we prefer blue chip stocks. We find small stocks with good fundamentals.

Build Fastest Wealth with Penny Stock Portfolio

Penny Stocks Advisory

Huge Diversified Portfolio of Such Stocks

We make a minimum Portfolio of 12 Stocks, max. we give 36 Stocks of a year i.e. 3 Stocks p.m.

Why 3 Stocks in a month?

Because we are not a speculator.  We are not betting, either win or lose whole amount and finish capital.

It’s Not a funda of Sure Shot Stock as it’s wrong to risk our Capital in single Stock.

For getting those Great Stocks we are building great Portfolio

Portfolio is built out of Multibagger Penny Stocks

In a Year You have a choice to opt for 12, 24 OR 36 Stocks

Working Method

ABJ finstocks Full Working Method

Let’s finalise the Number of Stocks:
12,24,36 OR Even more?

Basic Portfolio Building
For small Investors

12 Stocks Portfolio

Multibagger Stocks Advisory Service in India

If You have Big Capital
Good Diversification Possible

Diversify your investment if you have good capital

Additional Benefits

Your Stocks will be under your observation, in your own account.

Technical and fundamental image
Liftime Support even if services are not renewed logo
Free checkup of existing portfolio

What Penny Stock Means?

Small Cap Category: 100-500 Crores Market Cap.

Small Companies + Good Technical+ Good Fundamentals

What Penny Stock Doesn’t Means?

In penny stocks we are not providing stocks of low prices say Rs.1 or 10 only stocks of small market Cap.

No Pump & Dump Stocks (Life Long Stocks)
Penny Doesn’t Means Weak just means small company

Why Choose ABJ Finstocks?

Build Fastest Wealth with Penny Stocks

Small Companies + Good Fundamentals

Maximize Your Gains with Expert Penny Stock Calls. Stay ahead in the stock market with our researched penny stock recommendations.

Our expert analysts provide you with well-researched penny stock recommendations to help you make informed decisions.

Watch out the Videos for More clarity on Value Pick Stocks Advisory

Investment Package: Long Term Investment Stocks Catalogue

FAQ, Know all About Long Term Investment with ABJ Finstocks

Effect Of Compounding

Get the Best Multibagger Stocks for Making Wealth

Small Stocks Big Returns

About Our Service

At ABJ Finstocks, we specialize in identifying high-potential penny stocks before they gain traction in the market. Our dedicated team of analysts conducts thorough research to bring you the best opportunities for growth. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a beginner, our calls are designed to help you make the most of your investments.

In long term investment, Our Focus is Multibagger Returns i.e. Multi Fold Returns

With our service, you get:


No, we don’t Mention Quantity Equal Investments has to be made in all stocks. Total Capital depends on your Capital availability as leveraging not possible here.
Target not published with Call It is published as and when it comes though Whatsapp & Email
You will get the exit messages even if service not renewed for coming years
1. Price Volatility 2. Few of the Stocks may not turn out as expected