Complaints Status

Number Of Client's Complaints


Received from Pending at the end of last month Received Resolved * Total Pending # Pending complaints > 3 months Average Resolution time ⌃(in days)
Directly from investor Nil Nil N.A Nil Nil N.A
SEBI (SCORES) Nil Nil N.A Nil Nil N.A
Other Sources (if any) Nil Nil N.A Nil Nil N.A
Grand Total Nil Nil N.A Nil Nil N.A

^Average Resolution time is the sum total of time taken to resolve each complaint in days, in the current month
divided by total number of complaints resolved in the current month.

Trend of Monthly Disposal Of Complaints

Sr No. Month Carried forward from previous month Received Resolved * Pending#
1 JAN- 2025 NIL NIL N.A N.A
2 FEB- 2025 NIL NIL N.A N.A
3 DEC- 2024 NIL NIL N.A N.A
4 NOV- 2024 NIL NIL N.A N.A
5 OCT-2024 NIL NIL N.A N.A
6 SEP.- 2024 NIL NIL N.A N.A
7 AUG.- 2024 NIL NIL N.A N.A
Grand Total NIL NIL N.A N.A

*Inclusive of complaints of previous months resolved in the current month.
#Inclusiveof complaints pending as on the last day of the month.


Annual Disposal Of Complaints

Sr No. Year Carried forward from Previous Year Received Resolved * Pending#
1 2016-17 NIL NIL N.A N.A
2 2017-18 NIL NIL N.A N.A
3 2018-19 NIL NIL N.A N.A
4 2019-20 NIL NIL N.A. N.A
5 2020-21 NIL NIL N.A N.A
6 2021-22 NIL NIL N.A N.A
7 2022-23 NIL NIL N.A N.A
8 2023-24 NIL NIL N.A N.A
9 2024-25 NIL NIL N.A N.A
10 Grand Total NIL NIL N.A. N.A

*Inclusive of complaints of previous years resolved in the current year.
#Inclusive of complaints pending as on the last day of the year.

Any complaints received by us will be handled as per the process mentioned in our Grievance Redressal Policy and the same would be handled by a dedicated Customer Service Team and Grievance Officer.